Business Loan

About Business Loan

A business loan is a loan specifically designed for a business. This is a great way to speed up the financing of your business. Over time, various business loans have emerged to help businesses grow and help entrepreneurs reach their goals.
If you need funding for the growth of your business, don’t look farther than Loan Mart. We will be your one-stop solution which will be at your doorstep whenever you need.
Business loans are unsecured financial assistance provided by banks. These loans, also called commercial loans, lend a helping hand to the further development of small businesses by allowing them to invest in infrastructure, equipment, operations, and more. Use funds provided by banks to invest in your business. We have provided small business loans up to Rs. 50 lakhs.

Features of Business Loan

Here are some of the features and benefits of a Business Loan:

Faster Loan

Pre-approval is usually quick. Meeting the eligibility criteria is key when it comes to fast delivery of a Business loan. Having a good credit score is a definite advantage. The disbursement time depends on the bank or lender, but it is usually within 24 hours; or 72 hours maximum

Repayment Flexibility

In addition to the above important aspects, evaluate whether the lender gives you the opportunity to repay the loan earlier, and how much it will cost you. This flexibility can help you pay off your loan early, as well as ease difficult times.

Enjoy the best rates

Business loans come with attractive interest rates, making them easily affordable for everyone. This ensures that your EMI remains fixed throughout the life of your loan. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the constantly fluctuating interest rates that characterize other types of loans.

Loan Tenure

The maximum loan term for individuals is usually 5 years. But the shorter the term of a Business loan, the better. A higher tenure can reduce your EMI, making repayments convenient, while choosing a lower tenure (say 2 to 3 years) increases your EMI; you pay a higher interest cost on a Business loan.

Apply Now

All loans are not created equal, Business loan has become a great option for people to use.